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Basil Leaves for Lovebirds

Basil Leaves Overcome Lust in Lovebirds


Lovebirds still have charm among bird hobbyists. Although not as beautiful as canaries and kacer, this bird has a unique voice. Lovebird competitions are also often held to determine the quality of the bird. In addition, bird owners like unique body shapes, namely a large and curved beak, and feathers with various attractive colors. However, lovebirds are not as easy as other birds when they are going to compete. Birds often behave strangely because their lust suddenly increases. Basil Leaves Overcome Lust in Lovebirds.

This condition is not beneficial to the owner, especially since the competition requires the lovebird to be at a normal level. You see this bird spreading its wings, jumping irregularly, and biting anything around it. It is certain that the bird is in a state of uncontrolled lust.

Actually, this condition is normal if the lovebird is at home. The owner can enjoy the bird’s funny behavior and even be invited to play. On the other hand, lovebirds for competitions must be ready without any problems.

The owner also needs to set the conditions for the lovebird to chirp. When the setting is complete, the lovebird
behaves out of control. You try to reset it and it works then try it on the bird.
However, the results are the same as before, namely the bird still behaves inappropriately.
This is the reason why you should focus on reducing the bird’s passion.

Several ways are available to solve this problem. You can try a unique way, namely basil leaves. This method sounds unusual and even impossible. However, many have given testimonials that basil leaves are effective in reducing lovebird passion. If the results are good, there’s nothing wrong with trying these leaves. To find out more, see the following explanation and review.

Basil Leaf Solution for Lovebirds

Keeping lovebirds is not easy, although it is not included in the very difficult category. The owner must know the bird and its character. Lovebirds are tropical birds so they like to fly freely. For cages, birds need enough space to move and perch easily.

What’s interesting about this bird is the color of the feathers. You will find lovebirds with various colors,
from just one and plain to a combination of three colors. Their feather patterns are the reason
why they are called lovebirds. The combination of body shape and feathers makes this bird suitable
for decoration.

Lovebirds are rarely used for chirping but their voices are also good because there is a competition
with chirping and voice assessments. Although not as melodious as kacer or canary, lovebirds have a unique voice contour. When the bird is ready, you will witness an interesting and beautiful chirp.

However, all does not last long when the lovebird is in heat. This is the time to give basil leaves. Research shows that basil can cool the body’s metabolism. Therefore, these leaves are suitable for lovebirds that are hot and in heat.

Benefits of Basil for Lovebirds

Basil leaves also have other properties when given to this bird. Many do not know these properties. As a lovebird owner, it’s time for you to realize the benefits of these leaves.

1. Overcoming swelling and wounds

You have been injured and want natural treatment. Take enough basil leaves and mash them until
smooth. You can also use a blender to make these leaves softer. After that, apply to the wound area and leave for a few hours. This method also applies to swelling or cramps. Basil leaves will reduce skin intensity and kill bacteria. Slowly, the wound dries and heals as before.

2. Overcoming lust problems

Basil has the effect of lowering the metabolic level. This is the reason why this leaf is suitable for
reducing lust in lovebirds. Each bird has its own lust condition. Some have a good impact but some have an inappropriate effect. For lovebirds, birds must be in normal condition if they want to sing perfectly. This condition is what makes lovebird owners surrender to basil leaves.

3. Cold problems

Some lovebird diseases can also be solved with these leaves. For example, if a lovebird catches a cold, basil leaves are the solution. It sounds simple but very effective.
You solve two problems in one way.
The benefits of basil leaves are not many but they are very effective for health. These leaves are suitable for
application to birds, mammals, and humans. Of course, you have to adjust first when you want to give it to lovebirds.

Method for Giving Basil Leaves

When you already know the benefits of basil leaves, you need to know how to give them to lovebirds. This bird eats fruits and vegetables as its main diet. Basil leaves are definitely a natural diet for lovebirds. The problem is that the bird will not eat immediately even though many basil leaves have been placed in the cage. You need to know the right method so that giving basil leaves.

  1. Direct Feeding
    Place small, rolled basil leaves inside the cage. At first, the bird may not show interest, but by limiting other food options, the lovebird will eventually start pecking at the basil out of necessity.
  2. Mixing with Water
    Soak some basil leaves in water and squeeze them lightly until the water becomes infused with basil essence. Use this water as the bird’s only drinking source. It may hesitate at first due to the strong aroma, but it will drink it when thirsty.
  3. Combining with Other Foods
    Another method is to mix basil water with other fruits and vegetables. Soak these foods in basil water, then drain and serve. With time, the lovebird will get accustomed to the smell and taste.

Although these techniques sound simple, they require patience. Birds can be resistant to dietary changes, so it’s essential to introduce basil gradually and with persistence.

Final Thoughts

Giving basil leaves to lovebirds can effectively control their mating behavior and improve their overall health. While it takes time and effort, the results can be worthwhile, ensuring your bird stays calm and ready for competition.

Emely RMD

Emely RMD is a passionate WordPress designer, blogger, and content creator with a love for exploring diverse topics. She enjoys writing about love, self-improvement, motivation, travel, money, and more. Emely combines her expertise in online careers with her enthusiasm for crafting engaging content, aiming to inspire and inform her audience through her thoughtful and varied writings.

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